In our third blog on conversion-centered design, we are focusing on principle three, clarity. Clarity simply means that the idea or element is clear and coherent. Easy right? Because no one has ever seen a confusing landing page! Unfortunately, there’s a lot of confusion and ambiguity in many landing pages, and it’s simply killing conversions.
Your message must be clear to boost conversions
Each landing page needs to have a clear proposition. This is specific. It’s not the value proposition for your entire brand, it’s what do you want users to do on this page: provide you with their email, follow you on social media, or sign up for a webinar.
Consider the placement of information
In your effort to be clear, you must consider the hierarchy of the copy. Not only the placement (I.e. Headers, subheaders, and body) but also the effects of the font (bold, colors, italics). Whatever your offer is it needs to be clear from the headline. If your offer is an eBook then a header like, Read our eBook, is much clearer than a headline about what you do. You are not trying to sell them something on the landing page; you want them to read the eBook!
Resist trendy language
Clarity can also be skewed by attempts to latch on to trendy phrases or jargon. Neither will serve you well. Then you are just a gimmick. Remaining in line with clarity helps you rid your content and design of extraneous elements that could confuse users.
You can also learn more about conversion-centered design by reading our other blogs in this series, covering attention and context.