Are you making a list? And checking it twice? Before the end of the year, here’s one list you need to make: website features you need. If your website isn’t working to convert visitors then it’s failing. These features consider the user experience, conversion-centered design and functionality.
Website features on every must list:
Your site must be mobile-friendly. Design with an attitude of mobile-first. This website feature is not an option. Users are more likely to look you up on a mobile device than a desktop so you must consider the user experience. Your homepage should be simple and easy to navigate. Don’t use unnecessary features that will diminish the user experience on mobile. Make it easy for users to find what they need, whether it’s products, your blog or a contact form. Get mobile, get friendly and get results.
Your landing pages need to be designed to convert. Landing pages are a great website feature. They are created as an offer to your user. If the offer is relevant, your conversions are likely to increase. But along with a relevant offer (i.e. eBooks that answer questions or a promo code for an order), landing pages need to be designed around a conversion-first philosophy. Keep the design simple and focused on the offer. Remove other links that could be a distraction. The offer should be clear and stated in your headline. Find more on conversion-centered design here.
Your site must function intuitively to remove frustration. When a user lands on your website, does it do what they need it to? Are images of your product easy to view? Not having the correct website features so that users can see up close could be costing you dollars. If your website has a login area, how well does this work? Is it easy for users to understand? Ask yourself every question like you are a user – not like you’re an expert. Designing for every user, not just the ideal one, should be your focus. Websites can have a variety of features. Use the ones that make sense for your audience. Don’t overstimulate them with unnecessary functionality. Consider every interaction you would like your user to have on your site, and design to leverage those actions.
The website features impact design. The best advice is to design with these features in mind, not as an afterthought. If you integrate these features from the beginning, your site will be easier to use and meet the expectations of your audience. This must-list is just the start of your web design journey. Keep reading our blog for the best tips, information and opinions on web design and development as well as inbound marketing.