Organic Traffic or Paid Traffic – What’s right for your business?

SEO organic vs paid advertising

Discover the pros and cons of organic and paid traffic to determine the best strategy for your business.   Understanding Organic Traffic Organic traffic refers to the visitors that come to your website through unpaid search engine results. This means that when someone searches for a specific keyword or phrase related to your business, your […]

How To Choose A Mid-century Font For Your Web Design Project

web design project

In the past, a web designer could turn to TrueType or MonoType fonts but these fonts are slow loading. Bridge the gap between creative and fast loading by exploring the newest fonts added to the Google Fonts project. The Google Font Project The Google Font project is “making the web more beautiful, fast, and open […]

Avoiding “Visionary Scope Creep”

Visionary scope creep happens

Visionary Scope Creep will derail your Web Design Project. Visionary “Founder” clients are often very successful because they take risks. They work on groundbreaking ideas that take months and may not come to fruition for years. For some web design agencies creating a forward-looking website can be very fulfilling. One of the pitfalls of working […]

Evergreen Content – The key to a solid SEO base

Evergreen Content Tips for websites

What is Evergreen Content for a website? Relevancy. No one wants their pieces of writing to die out and be lost and forgotten in the plethora of saturated content on the internet. So that begs the question. How can one stay relevant? How can one deliver more ROI to one’s respective company for the cost […]

Build Your Website for Mobile First

mobile first

Mobile First? But My Site Is Already Mobile Responsive While mobile usage continues to increase among consumers, the fact is that phones, tablets, and desktop computers are all still relatively equal when it comes to the devices consumers use. When it comes to conversions, well … websites visited via desktop continue to earn higher conversion […]

How to Embed Images Without Slowing Down Your Website

embed images

Having a Fast Loading Website Helps UX and SERP Rankings Websites these days are all about the user experience. We want our information to be delivered quickly, and we want it delivered seamlessly. Help the User, Get Rewarded from Google So what does that mean for a website with lots of images and advertisements that […]

How to Use Subscriber Forms to Increase Conversions

subscriber forms

Subscriber Forms can Increase Conversion or Ruin the User Experience You know the drill. You do an online search on a topic, click on a site that looks good, and start reading about the company. Then about five seconds later, before you’ve had a chance to process what you’re looking at, there it is. A […]

Landing Page Optimization Tips


Landing page optimization is an important piece of a successful inbound marketing strategy. Their main objective is to generate leads by capturing contact information by providing something of value. Your ultimate goal is to get users to fill out that form. A landing page is a place for a user to “land,” which means they […]

Website Footer Best Practices


Is your website footer optimized? Here are a few best practices we recommend. Your website footer isn’t dead space! Visitors do actually scroll that far down. A study by Chartbeat looked at 25 million user sessions, finding that many users scroll as far as 1200 pixels down, which is about the size of two screens. […]

Four Elements Websites Need to Support Content Marketing


Content marketing is not going to be effective without a modern website design. So before you start publishing content, consider these four elements websites need to support content marketing. Many brands have now realized the importance of content marketing. They are blogging and creating content formats to publish on their website. But this may be […]